Scrub Daddy Shark Tank Net Worth

Scrub Daddy is a sponge that looks happy and has become very popular. When you wash a sponge, it will take on a different texture depending on the temperature of the water used.

Scrub Daddy is the company that invented the sponge so versatile and adorable that it is known as the Original Scrub Daddy.

The Scrub Daddy founder appeared on Shark Tank in the spring of 2007 and became an overnight sensation. His company’s sponges became the most successful products to appear on the show.

Scrub Daddy will soften when placed in warm water but will become more rigid when placed in cold water. Aaron is the successful owner of an automobile aftermarket company and the inventor of the Scrub Daddy, a pad that helps mechanics clean their hands.

One day Aaron decided to try out a new sponge and realized it was particularly useful in the kitchen. Scrub Daddy sponges are made from polyester, polyurethane, or cellulose, but they have a special formula that makes them different.

Scrub Daddy invented a special polymer foam called FlexTexture, which is exclusive to them. FlexTexture, the innovative technology that gives Scrub Daddy its unique shape, allows it to behave differently depending on the temperature of the water it is used in: When washing dishes with cold water, the sponge will harden and become hard for tough stains to be removed; however, when you warm it up, it softens and becomes soft for everyday use.

Scrub Daddy sponges can change the feel of your kitchen sink by simply running your hand over it with a smiley face. They can clean your utensils by running them through the mouth of the sponge.

Scrub Daddy can safely be used on over 200 different surfaces, and if you want to sanitize your sponge, put it on the top rack of your dishwasher or in the microwave for one minute.

Company NameScrub Daddy
EntrepreneurAaron Krause
ProductA sponge with a flex texture that is soft in hot water and hard in cold water
Investment Asking For$100,000 For 10% equity in Scrub Daddy
Final Deal$200,000 For 20% equity in Scrub Daddy
SharkLori Greiner
Episode Season 4, Episode 7
Business StatusIn Business
WebsiteScrub Daddy Website

What Is Scrub Daddy?

SCRUB Daddy is a company that manufactures cleaning products primarily known for their happy face sponges. Scrub Daddy is a sponge company that was founded in 2012. The company is best known for its flagship product, the Scrub Daddy sponge.

The Scrub Daddy sponge is a smiley face-shaped sponge made from a soft material that is safe for non-stick surfaces. The company has been featured on the television show Shark Tank, where it received an investment from one of the sharks.

The Scrub Daddy sponge is made of polymer. In contrast, most sponges are composed of cellulose, polyester, or nylon, which allows the sponge’s texture to change in response to temperature changes in water.

Scrub Daddy Shark Tank Net Worth

Soft sponges become harder in cold water, and hard sponges become softer in hot water. Scrub Daddy also sells a Sponge Daddy, a Scour Daddy, a PowerPaste, and the Scrub Daddy, which come in many colors and designs.

Who Is The Founder Of Scrub Daddy?

Aaron Krause is the founder of Scrub Daddy. Aaron obtained a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Syracuse University in 1992. The following year, he established his first company, Dedication to Detail, Inc.

He spent over sixteen years with this company before establishing his second venture, Ion Tech Wear. Scrub Daddy was his third and most successful company to date. He served as CEO and President from May 2012 until today.

Aaron Krause’s story is one of the most well-known start-ups, beginning in the 1990s with a tiny vehicle-washing firm that developed into a sizable US-based company selling automobile buffing pads worldwide.

Aaron Krause developed his line of buffing and polishing pads after damaging his car while cleaning it. A global conglomerate corporation, 3M, acquired the company in August 2008. 3M chose not to acquire Krause’s sponge inventions, leaving them in his firm.

Krause began using the leftover sponges five years later to clean his dishes and lawn furniture after discovering that the stiffness of the sponges varied with temperature. It worked so well that I used one inside to wash dishes.

As he stated in one of his interviews, “It was then that I realized the stiffeners in the foam changed with temperature, becoming soft in warm water and hard in cold water.”

After this, Krause decided to put his experience to better use by applying for season four of Shark Tank.

How Was The Shark Tank Pitch Of Scrub Daddy?

Aaron appeared on Shark Tank requesting an investment of $100,000 in exchange for a 10% stake in Scrub Daddy. Aaron told the Sharks that he wanted to expand his business and open a manufacturing plant to produce his product.

Aaron and his team impressed the Sharks so much that they began competing to buy a piece of what would become one of the most successful businesses on Shark Tank.

But not all of the Sharks were as impressed with the product as Aaron was. Robert Herjavec and Mark Cuban declared out very quickly.

Aaron Krause left the Shark Tank stage with a deal from Lori Greiner for Scrub Daddy.

Final Deal: Lori Greiner agreed to invest $200,000 for a 20% stake in Scrub Daddy.

What Happened To Scrub Daddy After Shark Tank?

Scrub Daddy’s revenue totaled more than $100 million in January 2017, making it the most profitable Shark Tank product. Scrub Daddy has sold over ten million pieces and generated more than $50 million since appearing on Shark Tank in December 2021.

Scrub Daddy was valued at $209 million in late 2019 based on its revenue and business data. According to investor Lori Greiner, Scrub Daddy has generated sales of $75 million in three years post its appearance on Shark Tank.

The business intends to develop and market other goods in the future, including screen cleaners, sponge Caddies, and seasonal colors. Additionally, they are trying to have their items available in every major retailer in the United States and several overseas locations.

Scrub Daddy acquired the adjacent building, doubling its space to 80,000 square feet. By comparison, the company began operations in a 5,000-square-foot space. Scrub Daddy is still in business with a lifetime revenue of $300 million.

Scrub Daddy Shark Tank Update

The fact that Scrub Daddy with the sharks in such a frenzy of excitement has not only performed well but has also become the show’s most successful item is not surprising.

Scrub Daddy Sales have exceeded $50 million, and over 10 million units have been shipped. Upon his appearance on Shark Tank, Aaron was contacted by Bed Bath & Beyond and ShopRite, quickly reaching a deal with each.

Lori Greiner quickly arranged partnerships with Staples and Target, followed by a contract with Ace Hardware shortly afterward. Scrub Daddy now employs 50 people in Folcroft, Pennsylvania, and manufactures its products.

Scrub Daddy Shark Tank Net Worth

Aaron has followed through on his promise to create further products. The Scrub Mommy and Sponge Daddy are available with Lori’s assistance and the original Scrub Daddy.

Aaron and Lori continue to collaborate closely and have developed a strong business connection that has propelled the company to well-deserved heights.

Aaron’s remarkable success hasn’t deterred him from reaching even higher; he wants to establish Scrub Daddy as a household name on par with cleaning giants Brillo and Lysol. Aaron’s and Scrub Daddy’s futures are as shining as their clean dishes.

Is Scrub Daddy Still In Business?

Scrub Daddy is still in business and remains a staple in the market. You can buy the sponge online at and Amazon. Scrub Daddy is available in Walmart, Target, Bed, Bath & Beyond, and Lowes locations throughout the United States and worldwide for in-store sales.

Scrub Daddy looks forward to producing new goods and enhancing its visibility and accessibility in the international market.

What is the Net Worth of Scrub Daddy?

The valuation of Scrub Daddy was $1 million when it appeared on Shark Tank. The net worth of Scrub Daddy is estimated to be $209 million.