Peanut Butter Pump Shark Tank Update

A peanut butter Pump is a practical way to spread peanut butter evenly without a knife causing a mess or requiring too much effort.

Would you like to know what it feels like to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich only to have the peanut butter spread everywhere?

Isn’t that a total mess to deal with? The Peanut Butter Pump’s entrepreneur has resolved all issues, so we no longer need to be worried.

Peanut butter is combined with it. Peanut butter is the cause of all our problems. That is the extent of his problem-solving skills. Peanut butter problem solved, or rather, peanut butter conundrum resolving…

The Peanut Butter Pump is a scraper and suction device that scrapes peanut butter off a jar and pushes it over a slice of toast, celery, or wherever!

The famous peanut butter connoisseur claims to make his peanut butter, as is his way (because he is… of course!). 

Therefore, he’s very curious about the maximum size of the chunks of peanut butter for those who desire chunks of peanut butter and wish to use the Peanut Butter Pump.

This is important since approximately 30% of “peanut butter community” members prefer chunky peanut butter.

What is a Peanut Butter Pump?

A Peanut Butter Pump is a pump used to administer peanut butter. The kitchen stays cleaner and more orderly than if the peanut butter were scraped from the container. The ‘peanut butter is improved.

The pump is constructed from silicone and plastic. This peanut butter lid fits the majority of peanut butter jars. There is no wasted peanut butter since it is constructed this way. 

Peanut Butter Pump

Peanut butter is distributed through a large surface nozzle or a stream nozzle. Butter is poured from each nozzle in about three tablespoons. It is unique because it works with crunchy peanut butter and is extremely easy to clean.

Peanut Butter Pumps are used to dispense the delicious brown paste. The ideal alternative for individuals who do not want to stick a knife in the jar and spread it. 

The pump helps keep a kitchen clean and organized by reducing the number of utensils to wash. The jar fits perfectly into most peanut butter jars since it’s silicone and plastic. 

Pumps dispense the peanut butter streamwise, dispensing three tablespoons of the crunchy kind at a time. The cleaning process is also easy.

Who is the Founder of Peanut Butter Pump?

Andy Scherer, aka The Nutty Inventor, is the founder of Peanut Butter Pump. Andy spent a considerable amount of time in the financial services industry. The job he held for many years was gone in 2016. 

He noticed peanut butter is quite sticky and messy, so a pump dispensing would be more convenient. Andy came up with the concept of the peanut butter pump in this way.

Peanut Butter Pump Before Shark Tank

Andy came up with the idea while preparing his favorite snack, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. He packs both his lunch and the lunch of his child. 

Sometimes he wondered if it might be simpler to use a pump to dispense the peanut butter simply, considering how sticky and sloppy it is and its risk of breaking the bread.

He began working on the peanut butter pump invention following his retrenchment.

Andy now had the time to design his long-awaited invention and had even more desire to care for his family. He raised about $135,000.00 from investors through IndieGoGo. 

The product was a huge success, and interest spread quickly. He had not yet manufactured or distributed the product before his appearance on Shark Tank.

He was also featured on a 2019 episode of Good Morning America to discuss his concept.

How Was The Shark Tank Pitch of Peanut Butter Pump?

An episode of Shark Tank 1109 was featured in 2019 with Andy. Andy Scherer appeared on Shark Tank requesting an investment of $200,000 in exchange for a 15% stake in Peanut Butter Pump.

A successful IndieGoGo campaign for Peanut Butter Pump inspired the idea in April 2019, raising $133,790. He has not even completed the project as of October 2019. There has been no delivery of merchandise from him. 

He headed to Taiwan to sign off on the final prototype and begin production on the finished units. He also has a second invention, the Nutternado, which is now in the “Pre-order” stage.

Peanut Butter Pump

Daymond John, Lori, and Robert decided after deliberating and discussing the product that it adds no value and solves no problems. Thus they unanimously declined to proceed with the sale.

The pump is constructed entirely of food-grade plastic and silicon. It’s compatible with “the majority of standard 40 oz jars, including the following brands*: Skippy, Jif, Kroger, Great Value (Walmart), Market Pantry (Target), and Kirkland (Costco).” 

The pumping mechanism scrapes the jar’s interior when a product is distributed via the stream or wide surface nozzle, ensuring no product is wasted. Each pump of the large plunger dispenses approximately 3 teaspoons. 

Pumping peanut butter instead of spreading it on bread prevents it from being rubbed into the bread. Peanut butter is even more effective! All you need to do is spread it onto a slice of bread and eat it. It is also possible to thoroughly clean the machine by disassembling it.

Kevin O’Leary, who was dissatisfied with the assessment, is also gone. Mark Cuban commended Andy for his sportsmanship, but he, too, was hesitant to invest. That is why Peanut Butter Pump was unable to secure funding.

Unfortunately, Peanut Butter Pump didn’t receive any investment from the Sharks and left the Shark Tank stage without any deal.

Final Deal: No deal between Peanut Butter Pump and Sharks.

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How Does Peanut Butter Pump Make Money?

Andy raised $133,790 as part of the IndieGoGo campaign in 2019. The company failed to deliver the products, and some money was spent on personal expenses.

The pump costs $25 plus shipping and handling. The twin pack costs $46. Ten packs cost $110, and five packs cost $110. There are several websites where you can pre-order Peanut Butter Pump.

What Happened to Peanut Butter Pump After Shark Tank?

Andy pledged to an IndieGoGo campaign but has not yet fulfilled the orders as of August 2020. He began promoting the product on Shark Tank throughout the rest of 2020 when it was on pre-order. The estimated shipping date was 15 March 2020, but no update has been provided.

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Who is the Investor in Peanut Butter Pump?

Peanut Butter Pump was unsuccessful in securing a contract with Shark Tank. All investors declined the business.

The Peanut Butter Pump received an overwhelming response and several orders before its appearance on Shark Tank through its Indiegogo campaign. However, Andy spent some of the funds earned through the campaign on personal expenses.

What is the Valuation of Peanut Butter Pump?

The IndieGoGo campaign raised $133,790 for Andy. The product is still in the final stages of production, so it hasn’t yet been shipped. According to Andy’s Shark Tank pitch, the company is valued at $1.3 million.

Is Peanut Butter Pump Still In Business?

The Peanut Butter Pump has been featured on several websites and publications, including Food Network.

Andy is featured on various great websites and publications, and it appears things were going well for him after Shark Tank.

The latest update from Andy concerning the Peanut Butter Pump turned up some red flags. Andy has production issues.

His Indiegogo page often updates customers about the progress of their orders, but no one has received their order yet.

Andy still hasn’t shipped the Peanut Butter Pump, but a recent update shows he’s moving forward with the production.

The peanut butter pump website is running, but it says all the pumps have been sold. The Peanut Butter Pump is still scheduled to ship in March 2020.

The Peanut Butter Pump has not been updated in over two years. Andy is continuing to work on his product and will ship the pumps out to customers as soon as possible.

Final Words on Peanut Butter Pump

A regular part of Andy’s routine is making sandwiches for his children. His motivation for creating a peanut butter pump came from this. Peanut butter pumps have become a viral phenomenon following the Shark Tank show. 

Andy presented the product to sharks, who scoffed at the idea. The peanut butter expert Kevin O’Leary addressed the sharks about whether peanut butter should be refrigerated or not and referred to himself as a peanut butter expert. Peanut Butter Pump cannot be used with frozen peanut butter or chunky peanut butter.

As of September 2024, Andrew is still working on the Peanut Butter Pump, and the company is still in business. The net worth of Peanut Butter Pump is estimated to be $500,000.

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